Codfish Loins

Obtained from the noble part of the cod, they are salted and cut in a traditional way to achieve the ideal texture and flavor.


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Codfish Loins are a high-quality product, rich in protein and low in fat. Obtained from the noble part of the cod, they are salted and cut in a traditional way to achieve the ideal texture and flavor.

It is a healthy and nutritious option, and a natural source of omega-3s. It is known for its texture and intense flavor, making it one of the most appreciated cuts in Portuguese cuisine.


alergeniosFish |
apresentacaoLOMBOS |
calibres-outros"Fresh Cod" |
clamsLow in Fat | Protein Source | Rico OMEGA 3 |
dosagem6 kg |
especieCodfish |
formatoSanitized (HH/I) |