Years of experience connected to the sea leads to a concern for sustainability of resources is a constant concern for Mar Ibérica and object of the search for new solutions to make all the surrounding activity with increasingly higher standards of sustainability standards.
Besides the selection of suppliers that share this same philosophy, the adoption of increasingly more friendly of environment and the search for equipment and energy solutions with less impact impact environmental impact impact have been the focus of investment by the company.
Which allows us, as of late 2019, to use carton transport boxes, 100% recyclable and made of recycled material between 50% and 76%! Also the plastic used in the packaging of our products is 100% recyclable and composed recycled material between 50% and 90%.
The management of packaging and other waste also plays an important role in the reduction of waste, and for which we partner with waste management companies such as Sociedade Ponto Verde and Sociedade Novo Verde. The search for materials capable of being applied to the frozen seafood industry, together with the search for materials capable of being applied to the frozen seafood industry, is increasingly bio sustainable.
We will continue to focus on new solutions and actions environmentally friendly aware that the concern with sustainability with which we approach the present will determine the amount of available resources with which we prepare for the future.