Sugestões / Reclamações

Reporting Channel

MAR IBÉRICA S.A. has a whistleblowing channel, established in accordance with the law (law no. 93/2021) and good corporate practices, reinforcing the principles of honesty, rigor and respect by which we are governed.

The whistleblowing channel can be used by all those who have or have had professional relations with the company (suppliers, recruitment candidates, service providers, interns, former employees and collaborators)

This channel aims to facilitate the identification of situations that may be irregular or possible infractions, including real suspicions of situations, which have occurred or that are considered likely to occur.

To formalize a denunciation, we make the following forms available:

  • E-mail:;
  • Mail: MAR IBÉRICA – Denunciations, Rua das Pedras Brancas n.º 106 4930-516 S. Pedro da Torre – Valença;

  • In person:
    Requesting a meeting;